Stories of impact

Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the Converge movement


Internet click leads to international ministry

A Converge global worker is serving youth in a least-reached British city, thanks in part to an unexpected link.

Jul 9 2024

Global worker, local church helping Scottish people be a ‘wee bit more hopeful’

Being in God’s family has changed Jody Carrell’s life. He’s given her a ministry so that others can experience it, too.

Jul 2 2024

How is Converge involved in a new kind of church in the world’s Voodoo capital?

As the next generation takes up the mantle for believers in West Africa, Converge global workers there are reaching new people with God’s love.

Jun 25 2024

Pub chats making disciples among London’s least reached

Londoners familiar with Shakespeare and economics now getting more opportunities to consider eternity thanks to Converge partner.

Jun 20 2024

Global worker learns one thing you can do on your phone that could change eternity

A young woman taps, swipes and types her way to Togo. Now, Deaf and young children there have inspired her to keep serving Jesus.

Jun 13 2024
