

Secure location
Status: On field
ID: 207994

Our vision is to facilitate Gospel Movements among the least reached people in the Middle East through discipleship making. Partner with us to bring hope to the hurting.

Monthly funding progress: 65%
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Start, Strengthen, Send.  In this region, We are asking God for Gospel Movements among Muslims in our generation.  

To accomplish this vision, a team in Lebanon, is working with church pastors to train new believers in Discipleship Making Movements.  The national church pastors are starting churches, and training the indigenous people that they have the ability to teach the word of God.  

The team has been in the region for ten years and has worked with three ministries using Discipleship Making Movements.  You have the ability to fuel this vision through prayer and partnership.  Also, these churches are reaching families through youth group studies, marriage counciling, and schools for the children.  Your partnership can help bring:

1.  Training to pastors and church leaders

2.  Funding to continue schools 

3.  Ability to continue discipleship groups

Also, the team is reaching outside the walls of the church through coaching at various gyms.  This provides the opportunity to engage with the community beyond the congregation.  For over three years of coaching at gyms we have seen new believers baptized, join discipleship groups, and also become church leaders.  Your partnership can bring:

1.  Appropriate equipment for training the least reached people

2.  Further training for coaches

3.  Space for training


In this region, Starting and Strengthening is exciting to see how it is adapted to different cultures.  Partnering together brings excitement to your congregation through making an impact in the Middle East, it brings a fresh vision for you and your churches to carry out this vision both locally and to the regions beyond.

Please consider both praying and partnering with us regularly to see Gospel Movements in our generation.  God bless. 


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Reborn Fitness, Tyre
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