Japan Initiative


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Osaka Project

Met on a Jet
Recently, while returning to KIX from Narita airport, missionary Chapman boarded the plane ans sat next to middle-aged couple.  He began a conversation, as usual, apologizing for taking up too much space.  The women seated next to him repl...
Keihanna Ministries
Barb teaches English to these 2 second graders each week at Keihanna Church.  She always invitee them to church events and recently they brought their mothers with them to join us for our Kid's Easter program. Following the message about th...
Osaka Project
Thank you for praying for the Osaka Project. Our Japanese partners are praying, as well.  I (Jeff), lead 2 monthly online prayer meetings which meet the third Thursday at 10am and 10pm. I have moved the project into the stage of prayer wal...