Japan Initiative

Osaka Project


We’re asking God for a gospel movement among the people who live and/or work in the city of Osaka, Japan. Our team in Osaka is coordinating with Japanese churches in the area to start new churches by focusing on disciple making movement strategies, specifically using T&M training (train and multiply), to equip Japanese pastors and believers to share their faith in authentic and organic ways.

About SUPPORT THE Osaka Project
Man praying in Osaka

The people & the place

Osaka, located 500 miles southwest of Tokyo, is home to 2.5 million people and the work location of up to 8 million. It is known as an aquapolis, as the city is striped with rivers and much of it is located on land reclaimed from the ocean over the past 4 centuries. The people are very industrious and practical, yet fun-loving. Osaka is an international city, with people coming from all over the globe for business, education and employment. The people of Osaka describe themselves as not being religious, preferring to rely on themselves, rather than on a deity, real or imagined.


Stories of Impact

Christian Leadership Interns
Ken (12gr), Kihei (12gr), and Emiri (10gr) have been my students, summer Bible day camp graduates, and volunteers in our ministry to the lo...
Keihanna Ministries
Barb teaches English to these 2 second graders each week at Keihanna Church.  She always invitee them to church events and recently they bro...
Met on a Jet
Recently, while returning to KIX from Narita airport, missionary Chapman boarded the plane ans sat next to middle-aged couple.  He began a ...

Global Workers

Converge global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Brian Lusky
Partner with Brian as he leads an initiative among one of the least-reached people groups in the world.
Jeff & Barb Chapman
Kansai area, Japan
Help Jeff and Barb share Jesus with the Japanese, the world's second-largest unreached people group.