Japan Initiative

Tokyo Project


We are multiplying churches in Tokyo with a focus on the northwest side, between Ikebukuro and Tokorozawa. Currently, we support two different church plants along the Seibu Ikebukuro line, with hopes to multiply those churches in the future. As we multiply churches, we desire to develop a missional community team that would help plant smaller and more easily reproducible churches without the need for a dedicated building. Our team is also developing contextualized tools to help equip Japanese believers to share their faith. We're excited to bring these and other ministries to the Tokyo area and beyond. As we continue building a multicultural team of global workers to help share the gospel amongst some of the least reached people on earth, would you consider helping support our team and the pastors and churches we're working with by partnering with this project?

About SUPPORT THE Tokyo Project
Man praying in Osaka

The people & the place

Tokyo is the capital and most populous city of Japan. It is a megacity full of industry, business, and cutting-edge technology mixed with traditional cultural and historic temples. Located in eastern Japan, its metropolitan area and neighboring prefectures homed 37.468 million residents as of 2018.
Although many Japanese may identify as not religious, they still practice the traditions of the two primary religions in Japan - Shintoism and Buddhism. Tokyoites to this day visit Shinto Shrines and Buddhist temples regularly to celebrate and mark significant events. Contained within this busy working metropolis are millions of Japanese who may have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and practice the traditions of their culture, unaware of a God who loves them. The churches in Tokyo tend to be small but long to share the gospel with those who need to hear it. Our vision is to partner with the Tokyo churches through projects and church plants that will grow and multiply to see Christ’s name spread in the biggest megacity in the world.


Stories of Impact

Keihanna Ministries
In 2002 we were tasked with leading a ministry in place of another missionary couple who had to return to the U.S. for medical treatment. ...
Re-connecting with partners
We are currently on Home Assignment with a return to Japan scheduled for August 2025.  It has been a great blessing to reconnect with our pa...
Osaka Project
Thanks to you and our Rengo Kansai District Church members continuing to pray, God has provided just such a place!  In fact, He provided a p...

Global Workers

Converge global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Ariel Lee
Help Ariel become a global worker to Japan.
Brian Lusky
Partner with Brian as he leads an initiative among one of the least-reached people groups in the world.
Brit Redfield
Join Brit in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ among the lost in Japan.
Ines Chien
Partner with Ines to share Jesus with the second-largest unreached people group in the world.
Jane Fischer
Tokyo, Japan
Help Jane teach international teens at Christian Academy in Japan and minister part-time at a local Japanese church.