Diverse group of candidates assessed on their journey to become Converge missionaries



  • Missions

Missionary Discovery & Assessment

A diverse pool of people candidates, including people from Moldovan, Ukrainian and Egyptian backgrounds, attended Missionary Discovery & Assessment at Converge’s headquarters in Orlando, Florida, on March 9-12.

Formerly known as the Missionary Assessment Center, the assessment process was recently renamed because it is a time for candidates to discover more about God, themselves, others and their call to ministry.

During the Missionary Discovery & Assessment, assessors evaluated the candidates’ spiritual, emotional and relational health and suitability for serving cross-culturally worldwide.

  • Five candidates received a go. They are ready to serve in cross-cultural ministry with minimal preparation.
  • One candidate received a prepare. They need to engage in long-term preparations before serving cross-culturally.
  • One candidate received a stay.

“This Missionary Discovery & Assessment was unique in many different ways,” said Tania Martin, Converge’s director of mobilization. “First, there were diverse ethnic groups present. Second, the smaller size allowed us to really dig in and build relationships which facilitated a deeper level of discovery and assessment.”

The next Missionary Discovery & Assessment will be July 20-23 in Orlando.

Converge wants to deploy more than 350 global workers over the next six years. Learn how you can play a part in reaching people across the street and around the world with the gospel.

Converge, National

Converge is a movement of churches working together to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.

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