Culture of evangelism: create consistent reminders

Lee Stephenson

Lead pastor, Harvest Community Church, Orlando, Florida

  • Evangelism

Converge executive director of Church Planting Lee Stephenson shares eight components needed to create a culture of evangelism in your church in the May 2018 issue of Point magazine.

In this ongoing eight-part blog series, Stephenson expounds on each of the things he says church leaders must do to create an evangelistic environment.

Part 6

Part of helping your church grow in its evangelistic fervor is continuing to remind your people to do it. People tend to forget, no matter how many times leaders say it is important. Here are some ideas on how you can create consistent reminders in front of your church:

  • Have people write the names of five people they are praying for in the front of their Bibles.
  • Create a business card that people can keep on the dash of their car or on their refrigerator.
  • Share regular testimonies in church.
  • Link giving and serving to life change.
  • Create a prayer wall in the church with names of people in the community who are far from God.
  • Do a yearly evangelism series.
  • Create a devotional series that you text to people in the church.
  • Require small groups to do some type of outreach endeavor once a semester.
  • Have a small group training that focuses on sharing our faith.
  • Take people to a conference.
  • Ask everyone after a baptism, “Who is going to get baptized next time because of you?”
  • Model your own patterns of evangelism.
  • Really celebrate life change.

Be creative when it comes to keeping evangelism alive in your church. In the end, the thing that people need to be consistently reminded about is the church’s mission.

Lee Stephenson, Lead pastor, Harvest Community Church, Orlando, Florida

Lee Stephenson served as Converge's vice president of Church Planting from 2015-2022. He is the founding and lead pastor of Harvest Community Church, a Central Florida multisite church. Before coming to Florida, he and his wife, Melissa, planted a church in Mesa, Arizona. Stephenson has worked to establish new church plants around the country and is a go-to coach and trainer for church leadership and planting.

Additional articles by Lee Stephenson