Thailand Initiative


October 2022

Deborah Guzman

Converge Global Worker

  • Oct 28 2022
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  • Thailand Initiative

October 2022

Dear Prayer Friends,

It is so good to see many of our students now face to face instead of online only! We pray that God will use us every day to plant the seed of the Word of God in many hearts and lives here in Thailand.

One of my students has attended cell group twice on Sunday, once online and last Sunday in person! Praise the Lord! He stayed for lunch and for games afterwards. He is a very reserved person, but he seems to be opening up a bit. We were talking in class about Jesus’ teachings about doing good even to our enemies, and he said in the next class that he wants to work well  to be able to do good to others. His name is Un (pictured with Teacher Deb in the photo). He is 19 years old and has been studying with us for almost 3 months. Please pray for him to become a Christian soon.

Another person is Mew. He is in Level 4 where, during this session, we meet once with each student separately for an hour’s interview outside of class time. We present the gospel to them very clearly. During Mew’s interview, he said that he was interested in knowing more about Jesus and wants to read the Bible, but he doesn’t have one. We do have a Bible to present to him!  Please keep him in your prayers also.

Please pray for:

  1. God to work in the hearts of all our students and may they open their hearts to God
  2. Ways to be a blessing in our students’ lives
  3. Un and Mew’s salvation
  4. My Thai studies as I prepare for the Thai Competency Exam on November 26. 

Our new mailing address for Converge (mailing in checks) is:

PO Box 850001
Orlando, FL 32885-9930

Thank you for all that you do for this ministry! We are better together!

Blessings in Christ,

Deb Guzman

Your Missionary in Bangkok, Thailand

  • Thailand Initiative

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