A Surprise Report From Berlin!

Tim & Lori Hawkins


New Life in Berlin

In our last newsletter, we introduced you to John Goering, who is preparing to plant a church in East Berlin. A few weeks ago John asked me to pray about a person that he had been introduced to by a friend of his. This person had been asking some questions about the Christian faith and John met with him and said that the conversation went really well and there were plans for follow-up. Last week, John messaged me to inform me that the person had prayed to receive Christ and was already inquiring about being baptized and is “devouring the word”! Our hearts leapt when we read John’s message. It was so exciting to be a part of the means that the Lord used to bring a lost person to Himself. Though we never met this person, God called us to pray for him and our prayers were a part of the whole effort the Lord deployed in order to bring glory to Himself in the saving of a lost soul.

John also noted that this was the first time in years that the Lord had allowed him to be a part of something like that. That highlights the dire need for more gospel workers in Berlin. It highlights the need for us to acquire more ministry partners like yourselves. We want to see more Berliners come to saving faith. We want more of you to experience the joy of praying with us for the Holy Spirit’s convicting and saving power to bring salvation to the lost. We’re so grateful for John and his work in East Berlin. We are overjoyed that the Lord encouraged him. And we are praying for this new Christian, that he would walk in faith and obedience all his days for the glory of our great God!


We’re Moving!

One of our prayer requests from our last newsletter mentioned that we were looking for a new place to live. After a lengthy, but fruitless, search for a place in the Tampa Bay area, the Lord provided a place in Bardstown, KY. Moving to Kentucky allows us to keep our family unit intact. We were having trouble finding a place with enough room for all of us. It also means that we can spend our last days before deployment to the mission field closer to family and friends. Another benefit is that we would have better access to many of our long-term friendships and acquaintances who are spread out all over the state. Finally, this move could potentially be a time of rest and refreshment after ten years of difficult labor here in Florida. We are excited about this new development and are eager to see how the Lord will provide for our fundraising work through this change of scenery. Pray for us as we pack up our life here in Florida and move back to Kentucky!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for this new believer in Christ. Pray that the Lord would use John and Stephi to disciple him and model to him what living for Jesus looks like.
  • Pray for our upcoming move. Pray that we would juggle the stress of moving with the ongoing need to continue to make contacts and set appointments with potential ministry partners.
  • Pray for the friends that we leave behind here in Florida. Our hearts ache that we must leave them. They are precious to us and we will miss them terribly.
  • Pray that the Lord would accelerate our fundraising efforts. We are behind our goals, but we trust that the Lord has secured everything needed for us to serve Him in Germany. Pray that our faith yields wise and disciplined action toward reaching our financial needs!

Tim & Lori Hawkins, Missionary

Help Tim and Lori share the gospel in Berlin, seeking to disciple new believers and plant churches throughout the city.