Santisuk textbooks reaching Persians in the Middle East and beyond

Steve & Nopaluck Cable


SES textbook

The Santisuk English School Board in Bangkok, Thailand, was surprised and thrilled to receive a request from a Persian friend and former Santisuk teacher now living in the Middle East, requesting permission to use Santisuk’s Bible-based textbooks with Farsi-speaking nonbelievers.

The Santisuk curriculum has been written by a team of Converge, Bethlehem Star of Peace (Philippines) and Thai leaders for Thai students over the last 26 years. There are Bible passages in every chapter in both Thai and English in all levels, from basic to advanced English classes. Those Bible passages will be translated into Farsi to reach Persians in the Middle East and beyond. Please pray for this exciting project.

Steve & Nopaluck Cable, Missionary

Partner with the Cables as they use Bible-based English teaching to start 15 new churches by 2025.