Nine More for the Harvest

John & Lori De Cleene


A refugee will see Christ in the gym. A student will see Christ in an English lesson. A child will see Christ in a safe place to sleep. A family will see Christ in the lives of their new American friends. People, un-reached people, will receive Christ... 
    ...all because, Praise the Lord - Converge Appointees have finished the first leg of their ministry - they've raised their team to reach the least reached. They've shared their vision to hundreds of people, they've completed hundreds of documents, they've read  a dozen books, attended a handful of 3-4 day seminars, attended a month or more of cross-cultural training, taken a missions course, said good-bye to family and friends, and much, much more! 

  • A man will work with refugees 

  • A woman will join an English school and church plants 

  • One family has begun language learning 

  • Another will assist a local orphanage, aid local churches and receive short-term teams 

  • A woman in a secure location will begin language learning 

  • A family leaves this week for Togo, Africa. 

All ofthese new missionaries will do much, much more, for God's glory! More than any activity they perform, they will be a light for the gospel and be used of God to bring the lost to Christ! 

     We (you, Lori and I) began helping Converge appointees become missionaries two years ago there were seven (7). Now there are nearly 60. In the next few years, Lord willing, there will be hundreds. Thank you for being such an important piece of sending laborers into the harvest! 

A recent new missionary emailed us last week saying:  "Your ability to encourage, motivate, and spur on has always meant so much to us. You were an integral part of us getting here in this timing. Thank you for all you did to help, encourage, and advise us over the past year and a half." 

 Now, they're off 

Converge believes and practices that the best way to reach the lost is by planting churches - through teams.  YOU are a crucial part of the team as you minister together with us to help prepare those who are going. When you partner us, you partner with them.  When you pray for us, you're praying for them.  
May God continue to fill your cups to overflowing as you play a crucial role in changing lives all over the world. 

John & Lori De Cleene, Missionary

Coaching Converge appointees from the day they're appointed to the day they're deployed.