More About Our Ministry

Joey & Carol Mimbs


Coordinator of Member Care

Joey serves as the Coordinator of Member Care for Converge. Responsibilities include overseeing and building the team, implementing peer-to-peer member care among our global workers, and identifying TCK Advocates around the world to help care for the children of our workers.

Safe Place to Share

Our member care team provides a safe environment for global workers to share their joys, struggles, and heartaches. We walk alongside our global workers to help them process life and ministry. Through pastoral counseling, encouragement, and assessing their needs, we can help global workers thrive on the field as they start and strengthen churches. 

Video Calls and Travel

While we use technology to connect with our global workers virtually on a regular basis, we also travel overseas to visit our global workers on the field. Learn more about our travel plans here.

TCK Care

Children of global workers often struggle with identity issues. Where do they belong? Which country is their home? They are referred to as "Third Culture Kids" because they are Americans being raised overseas and therefore develop a unique third culture. We have the privilege of ministering to our Converge TCKs. We enjoy Zooming with them, praying for and with them, and acknowledging their birthdays.

Ongoing Education

Whether it's an online training class or an in-person conference, we are always seeking further education so we can be more effective in member care. We've received training in trauma care, Third Culture Kids care, conflict resolution, child safety and protection, personal awareness and assessment, and more.

To learn more about our ministry, take time to read our latest newsletters.

Joey & Carol Mimbs, Missionary

Partner with Joey and Carol to provide vital care to keep over 100 Converge global workers strong as they start and strengthen churches across Africa, Europe and the Mediterranean.