Ministry Focus: Asraf in Egypt

Bob & Carol Marsh


24 August Update & Partner Focus

Hello Everyone!

In these weeks, we are introducing you to some of the partners we are working with across the Europe and Mediterranean Region, and keep you updated on our personal progress toward returning there. This week, we’d like to introduce you to Ashraf & Nivin.

MINISTRY FOCUS: Ashraf & Nivin I. – Egypt & Outreach to Muslim people around the world.

Ashraf is an Egyptian and has been doing ministry in that country for many years. He does evangelistic outreaches through a variety of means, including a compassion ministry that reaches out to the poor who live in the “Garbage Area” of Cairo, subsisting on whatever supplies then can harvest from the trash others throw out. They bring food, clothing, health and hygiene supplies, and of course, the Gospel to the desperate people of that area. Ashraf is also involved in training of pastors and leaders in the Egyptian church. Egypt has the largest Christian population of any nation in the Muslim world. In addition to raising up local leaders, they work to train Egyptian believers to travel throughout the Muslim nations, equipped to bring the gospel with them to those they encounter. Another key focus of their work in Egypt is among Christian refugees who have fled the persecution of believers in Sudan. Ashraf trains church planters among these believers, encouraging them to begin churches in Egypt, and training some to return to Sudan to minister there.

Ashraf splits his time between Cairo and Orlando, Florida. In the USA, he travels to local churches, presenting a free seminar entitled, "Teach to Reach". This one-day event teaches American believers and churches how they can reach their Muslim neighbors. His goal is to present this free seminar to at least 5 churches each year. Just last week, he released a new video promoting this workshop. You can watch it here:

Converge is currently working to establish an Egypt Consortium of churches in the USA that would become long-term partners with Ashraf in his efforts. If your congregation, or you personally feel called to Muslim outreach, in Egypt or other lands, please contact Ashraf at:



  • Please pray for our daughter Nicole, her husband Eric, and their family (with whom we are staying). We will be moving to a new home on 5 September…and Eric is still seeking a new job!
  • We are now at 92% of our support raising goal – Praise the Lord! We only need a few hundred dollars per month to be fully funded!
  • Pray for the borders to Poland to open four our return and the return of the rest of the Poland team!
  • Please pray for the remodeling work on the ministry center and our apartment in Szczecin, Poland.
  • Pray for our ministry partners across the region, and for us, that we faithfully work alongside them from afar!

For more information, and to support our work, from the USA or Europe: Go to  

Bob & Carol Marsh, Missionary

Working alongside national movement leaders to help catalyze gospel movements among the least reached.