Joyce Fleck is a missionary appointee with Converge headed to Thailand in January 2024. Following language school in Thailand, she plans to teach English, partnering with other missionaries and Thai Christians to serve and reach out to Thais with the gospel.
In winter 2019-2020, she was able to visit Thailand and see firsthand both the great need for Christ and how God is at work through his people there. During her trip, she served in the English ministry in Bangkok and met with several missionaries and Thai Christians in different parts of the country, and got a vision for how God could use her in Thailand. She is looking forward to heading back to Thailand, being used as God leads to see Thai lives changed by the power of the gospel.
Please pray for Thai hearts to be open to the message of Christ, and for clear communication and deep relationships with the Thai people.
Joyce would be honored by your partnership in this ministry – may God receive the glory.
THE NEED: Thailand is a predominantly (folk) Buddhist nation of 70 million people. It is roughly 1% Christian, with even fewer believers among the ethnic Thai majority. Because of their culture and upbringing, even people who hear about Jesus are conditioned to look on it as foreign and not something to be believed or applied personally.
THE SOLUTION: Because the task is so great, more Christians are needed who will partner with local believers to spread the gospel throughout the country in culturally appropriate ways. Following God’s leading, I am going to Thailand to proclaim Christ and serve the Thai people through teaching English and building relationships.
YOUR ROLE: To accomplish this task of reaching more Thai people for Christ, I am asking individuals and churches to partner with me through prayer and financial support. There are people in Thailand who likely would never hear the gospel unless I go, and invested partners are necessary for me to fulfill this mission.
Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:2, Colossians 3:23
- For Thai people to find freedom in Christ & for barriers to the gospel to be removed
- For the testimony & endurance of Christian workers in Thailand, & for more Thai leaders
- For me as I prepare to go to Thailand - for my readiness & for an active support team
- For your role in advancing the kingdom of God in Thailand & the world
joycef [at] converge [dot] org
To learn more about the work going on in Thailand, our team of co-laborers in Christ, and current and developing partnerships, click THAILAND INITIATIVE.
You can also learn more about Joyce and her journey in missions at MEET JOYCE.