The Hui Initiative seeks to mobilize, train and send more workers to start gospel movements amongst the Hui Unreached People Group in East Asia and surrounding regions. The Hui people numbers more than 13 million, the largest Chinese-Muslim people group in East Asia. There are currently fewer than 100 workers serving amongst them.
- Start a gospel movement among this people group, in our generation; with one million Hui in Kingdom communities by 2030.
- Mobilize 10 churches and agencies in China, USA and Asia to pray for the Hui people-group, and to send workers to Hui communities by 2020.
- Develop partnerships with like-minded churches, resource agencies, sending agencies and financial partners to establish long-term relationships with Hui communities that inspire gospel movements.
- Mobilize, train and send 30 workers from East Asian house churches to 15 Hui areas by December 31, 2022.
- Form 25 groups of Hui Muslim-background believers that meet weekly by December 31, 2025.

East Asia //
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