IMG_1807 2

Tyler & Aleah Mann

England, United Kingdom
Status: Raising support
ID: 228330

Consider giving to Tyler and Aleah as they pursue God's calling to strengthen the church as missionaries to the UK.

Monthly funding progress: 100%
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Tyler and I met at college while we were both pursuing ministry and missions. I (Aleah) studied in ESL so I could go wherever God wanted to send me, and Tyler studied Pastoral Ministry with a passion to strengthen churches and spread the gospel.

When our paths crossed, Tyler was planning to go overseas with AT3 (Alliance of Trans-Atlantic Theological Training). In this program, Tyler would be working in a local church, further his education by getting a Masters in Theology, and also learn what it is like to live in a different culture. These were three things that Tyler had prayed for and wanted to pursue after college, but our relationship was growing deeper and we began to wonder what marriage might look like. As our relationship grew, we realized that God was leading us towards each other and marriage. After much consideration, prayer and counsel, we decided to get married and pursue the same program together after marriage!

Fast forward some time and a baby later, and we are on track to leave for the UK in January 2025. There, we will be doing what we both feel like God is calling us to do: Tyler will be working with AT3, and I will supporting him as well as hopefully working with refugees in the area.

God is good and gracious and we have seen his providence and direction over and over again in our lives. We are confident that he will continue to lead us as we pursue our next adventure. If you are here on our website, please prayerfully consider partnering with us and donating to our missions journey! 

England, United Kingdom //

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