Tromanhauser Family - Kyle, Matilda Kyle Jr (KJ) & Konnor Munich Germany_edited 4

Kyle & Matilda Tromanhauser

Munich, Germany
Status: Raising support
ID: 195676

Help establish a multiethnic, intercultural and an economically diverse English-speaking fellowship that plants the gospel among Munich, Germany.

Monthly funding progress: 100%
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Why Munich? Munich, because it has a large international population. Twenty-six percent of Munich's 1.6 million residents are non-Germans, representing more than 180 nations. Munich, because it's a global business hub with over 91,500 companies. Munich, because of its diverse international influence in education. Munich is Germany's second-largest university city with 14 institutions of higher education, 14 international primary/secondary schools and 72 international kindergartens.   Munich, because it's where the world meets. Munich is the world's smoothest hub and Germany's most successful base of business and technology. Munich, because of the growing number of global citizens who are living in the third culture zone and rarely, if ever, have had the opportunity to hear the gospel. There are over 400,000 internationals in Munich and the regional area, and less than 1000 attend the English-speaking evangelical churches. Munich, because God has called! Who are these global citizens (expatriates)? What exactly defines an expatriate? An expatriate, or global citizenâ is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing. The global citizen community in Munich is comprised of:

  • Business executives
  • Consulate personnel
  • Scientists and inventors
  • University professors/students
  • NGO staff
  • NATO and EU professionals representing over 180 nations

The life of a global citizen is exciting, yet challenging. For many, they live and work in a country for 3-5 years, and then they are transferred, having to adjust to a new culture once again. As they move about in this third culture zone, the church rarely has the opportunity to reach them. We are starting a fellowship that is about disciples making disciples and a fellowship starting fellowships. A third culture fellowship that is reproducing itself throughout the city, Europe and the world. These men and women are shaping governments and the new global culture. As they hear and respond to the gospel, imagine the global impact for Christ! 

Munich, Germany // Our greatest privilege is joining Jesus in what he is building: his church. When we reach across the street and around the world with the gospel—locally and globally—we impact lives for eternity.

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