About a year after I became a Christian in 2002, God burdened my heart for the Japanese people. At the time, I did not know Japan as the second-largest unreached people group in the world, where less than 1% of the population are Christian. It means that most have never been to a church or read the Bible, much less heard of the name of Jesus. Even though my journey has not been without detours, God has been so gracious to orchestrate those very detours for His purposes while still continuing to put Japan in front of me. It wasn't until a summer mission trip to Nagoya with my seminary in 2015 that I fully embraced God's missionary call on my life for the first time and recommitted to make His name known among the Japanese. It is by His grace that I have the honor of serving as a Converge global worker with the Japan Initiative.
My first term will be three years long, with the first two years focused on building a strong foundation for future ministry, including language and cultural learning, strengthening relationships with our team, and building relationships with Japanese non-believers and local ministry partners. The third year will involve deeper ministry with the Japanese. As God has given me a passion for making disciples who make disciples of others, my hope is to work alongside others to mobilize and equip Japanese believers to own their faith, share their faith, and mobilize others to do the same, leading to transformed lives. At Converge, we are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group in our generation, and I look forward to be a part of what God is already doing in Japan! Would you pray for me and consider partnering with me in this effort?

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