I’ll be serving with the Japan Initiative Team in the Tokyo area, working with multiple Japanese churches and partners to help them share the gospel multiplicatively, through planting churches and making disciples who make disciples. Our main partners are a network of indigenous Japanese churches called the Nihon Baputisto Kyoukai Rengo (Japan Baptist Church Association), but we also have multiple independent churches that we partner with who are doing missional community style ministry as well as multiplicative disciple-making.
I have a passion for doing life on life ministry among the Japanese, and so a big part of my assignment will involve building relationships with Japanese people, sharing the gospel, discipling, and training them to then share the gospel in their networks at home and at work. This will be done as a part of a multicultural ministry team and in cooperation with one or more local churches once I am settled in one specific area of the region.
I will also be using my previous experience in mobilizing others for long and short term opportunities to join the gospel movement that God is already beginning to bring about in Japan. Helping others find their calling and be equipped for ministry is one of the ways God has allowed me to be used in the past, and I’m excited to multiply the ministry God wants to do in the Japan Initiative by inviting my supporting churches as well as anyone that feels a call towards Japan to join in the ministry and grow in their faith.