Our family moved to the Middle East in 2013 and served for 10 years partnering with local believers to share the love and message of Jesus Christ with Muslims in the region. God is moving and working in new and exciting ways in this region and we have been blessed to be a part of it.
Our passion is to both start and strengthen local churches to reach out to their Muslim neighbors. We desire not only to see new believers formed, but to make disciples of Jesus Christ who will multiply and make more disciples across the region. We are now living in the U.S. and working alongside indigenous national leaders to catalyze gospel movements among least-reached people groups in the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe. I am serving as the Mission Catalyst for the Great Sea Initiative. Through training, coaching and equipping local leaders, we can invest in new and difficult to reach areas where the gospel has yet to be proclaimed. Pray with us as we are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group in our generation.