After taking several short-term mission trips to Africa when I graduated from college, I could feel the Lord pulling me into full-time ministry abroad. Through those trips, my eyes and heart were opened to the immense need in the world for a Savior. Though this need is universal, I found it to be especially dire among marginalized groups of society, including the worldwide Deaf population, which is considered one of the largest Unreached People Groups in the world. Though this group of people is often considered voiceless within their communities, the Lord has made it clear that each person has inherent worth because they have been made in his image.
I am working within the 6 Degree Initiative in Togo by discipling key Deaf leaders, advocating for access to education in Sign Language, empowering the Deaf within their communities, and working alongside them through the local church in order to see a Gospel Movement take place. Please consider joining our team in the amazing work that God is doing among the Deaf in Togo as together we meet, know, and follow Jesus!
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." -Proverbs 31:8-9