Converge’s 10 districts have committed to deploying 312 church planters before 2026. If each of those new churches grows to just 200 people, they will impact at least 62,000 people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To help share the vision of how God can work through your church in this way, you are invited to join churches from across the Converge movement in Church Planting Weekend. This time of celebration and inspiration is specifically designed to help your church members get excited about starting churches to see lives changed with God’s love and truth.
How to participate
Church Planting Weekend is an annual Converge movement-wide celebration. During the months of June and July, dedicate and highlight one weekend to church planting and multiplication — what it is, why it’s important and why your church is involved — and your partnership with Converge.
Here are some steps to make it easy to participate:
Select the weekend or Sunday your church will highlight church planting. Many churches have scheduled it for the first weekend in June, but choose a date that works best for your church.
Let us know your church is participating
Is your church participating in Church Planting Weekend? Great! Fill out the form to let us know you’ll be joining us.
Download these free resources to promote Church Planting Weekend in your church.
Service videos
Way Maker >
312 Church Planting Goal >
Church Planting Stats >
Slides & posters
1920 x 1080 announcement slide >
1024 x 768 announcement slide >
11" x 17" poster template >
Social media
Facebook posts & images >
Instagram posts & images >
Twitter posts & images >
Programs & bulletins
Get involved
Whether your church is new to church planting or you have planted multiple churches, Church Planting Weekend is just the beginning of a new gospel adventure for your congregation.
No matter your size or location, you can join Converge churches from across the country in starting new churches so more people can meet, know and follow Jesus. Here are a few ways.
Pray for the harvest (or adopt a planter to pray for).
Partner with other churches to share the burdens of church planting.
Launch Offering
In 2020, Converge started the Launch Offering to invest greater funding into church plants. One hundred percent of the funds are used to help churches after their grand opening. Thanks to the generosity of leaders like you, new churches have the resources they need to reach their community with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ.