Moms overcome challenges as they lean on each other and learn about Jesus in their least-reached nation

Ben Greene

Pastor & writer

  • Missions

Lulieta*, an Albanian Christian in a Muslim-majority area, says her region's traditions make life challenging. She has another struggle: raising a young child with developmental challenges. 
But, thanks to God's help and a Converge global worker, she and other moms in similar situations find grace and grow in faith.
"I'm really blessed to be part of this group," she said. "I love everyone, and we pray for one another."
Nita Bukowski moved to Albania with her husband, Ted, to serve as Converge global workers in 2014. She has befriended several women and mothers in one of the world's least-reached nations.
The Bukowskis are among more than 170 Converge global workers worldwide. More than 50 others are preparing to join them on the mission field.
Converge prioritizes gospel movements among the world's least-reached people groups. Despite some 2000 such efforts worldwide, 70,000 people die every day in the greatest injustice the world has ever known: they have no way to hear even one credible presentation of the gospel before they die.

‘I’ll use whatever resources I have’

Hana* was raising children and caring for a paralyzed mother-in-law several years ago. One day, she gathered with Christian moms whose children also had disabilities. She felt safe and supported and now volunteers with her group in Jermë.
"I'll use whatever resource I have," Hana said, speaking of cookies, tea or games to play with the moms. "Whenever they are in difficulty, I share about my life, and they feel better."
Lulieta agrees that talking about life creates an opportunity for Christ's grace and truth to enter their homes.
"This is a very, very special thing," she said. "It's something good that is happening to my life."
*Names have been changed for security purposes
Converge is asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group – in our generation. Learn how we are playing a role in accomplishing the Great Commission and how you can be involved.

Ben Greene, Pastor & writer

Ben Greene is a freelance writer and pastor currently living in Massachusetts. Along with his ministry experience, he has served as a full-time writer for the Associated Press and in the newspaper industry.

Additional articles by Ben Greene