6 Degree Initiative


Ouidah, Benin

We are asking the Lord to help us begin reaching the Voodoo-practicing unreached Xwela Gbe people in the Republic of Benin. We are asking God for these longer-term missionary workers: (a) a 40- to 55-yr old experienced pastor ready to invest the next season of his life in unreached peoples; (b) a younger American couple focusing on church health and church multiplication; (c) a Haitian (or Haitian/American) couple working with a church planting team.

Togo, West Africa

Requires a commitment of five or more years. After learning the basics of the French language, you will become actively involved with our leadership team (American missionaries and Togolese leaders) in church planting, leadership development, summer camps, sports ministry and assisting with visiting church-based short-term mission trips.

Togo, West Africa
Opportunities include construction work, children’s ministries, mobile camps, mobile medical clinics and sports camps. Assist Togolese people and our American missionaries in these and other important efforts at making Jesus known.

Ways to get involved

We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group — in our generation. Join others in becoming a vital partner in seeing Christ's mission completed. Here are a few ways.


Connect with like-minded churches together in consortia to focus on a specific mission field and strengthen global workers to increase impact.


Supporting a global worker is an easy way for you to make a difference in lives around the world from right where you're at now.


Join us in prayer for people groups around the world to hear and accept the good news.


Take the gospel to the least reached. Learn how to start your journey as a missionary.

Great videos. Short, sweet and challenging. Looking forward to growing together as a board using this tool to help us be a unified team moving in God's direction for his people.

Ryan White, Associate Pastor

Fulfill your calling in missions
Are you interested in learning more about missions? Take the next step and connect with us. We’ll help you discover how you can fulfill your call to make a gospel impact around the world.
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