Lead Pastor

Chaska, Minnesota // www.westbrook.cc

About Westbrook Community Church

Westbrook was launched in September 2011 with a core group of 75 people as a plant from Westwood Church in nearby Chanhassen, MN. Focused on new conversion growth from the start, Westbrook has grown as people have come to faith in Jesus, engaged in authentic relationships with one another in order to become more like Christ, and intentionally turned outward to share their faith with others as they bless the community in Jesus’ name. With God’s hand evident in the transaction, in 2017 the church secured a 25-acre parcel of land at the strategic intersection of two county roads. In the midst of the 2020 pandemic, they stepped out in faith to began construction on a permanent church home and moved into their building in June 2021. Westbrook has become known as “the blue church at the crossroads” by the 11,000 people from Chaska, Carver, Victoria, Waconia and Cologne who drive by the intersection each day. The church feels like family to those who make this their church home. With vibrant youth and children’s ministries now well-established, a developing small group ministry and numerous community outreach initiatives, Westbrook is maturing organizationally and programmatically. The incoming Lead Pastor will be called on to build on a solid foundation and further advance their mission to see people Belong, Become and Bless. 

Job description

Westbrook, affiliated with the Converge movement of churches, is looking to welcome a pastor who cares deeply about the lost and possess an evangelistic impulse to make connections with those who do not yet know Jesus. The right person for the role will have experience developing reproducing disciple-makers and stewarding a spiritually growing church context.

For the Full Opportunity Profile Click Here


Follow instructions found in the Full Opportunity Profile link above and submit to Kara Bubar, NL Moore & Associates, kara@nlmoore.com, 865-200-7983