What’s Holding You Back?

Jonathan Wicklund

Interim Regional President, Converge North Central

  • Church planting & multiplication

Next month, Converge churches across the country are taking time during their worship service to highlight the importance and value of church planting. We would love to have you and your church participate in this event. To receive more information on Church Planting Weekend, you can look here.

If you are not familiar with church planting, You may have questions and comments as you consider the ministry of starting new churches. Here are some of those statements, and a response for you to consider.

Comment #1: We already have enough churches with lots of room so shouldn’t we fill these first before we start new ones.

Yes, many churches do have room for growth, and we work with our CNC churches to help them serve their communities well and minister to people as they seek to expand the Kingdom. But new churches are BEST at reaching new generations, new residents, new people groups, and the unchurched.

Research and experience reveals that the entire body of Christ is renewed by the planting of new churches.

Comment #2: We’re a smaller church and don’t have enough money to be a part of a new church plant.

A recent informal survey asked pastors how large they believe their church needed to be in order to be involved in church planting. Regardless of their current size, almost every respondent said they need to be bigger.

Each church plant has a number of parents, each contributing resources are determined by that parent church. Church planters also raise a portion of their own support as well. In addition, CNC has funds that also support a new church plant. This team approach makes it possible for every church to be effective in the supporting of church planters and new churches.

Comment #3: There’s a lot we don’t understand about church planting. We wouldn’t know where to start or what to do.

In Converge, we often talk about “Better Together.” This is never more real than in church planting! The CNC office is here to help! We provide support, resources, training, connections and more. Across our district we have networks of churches that are actively involved in church multiplication and, along with CNC, are eager to come alongside and support your vision of being a part of church planting.

Comment #4: If we are a part of a church plant near us, we will lose leaders and people.

Yes, this may happen. And yes, it may be difficult, but there are countless stories within CNC where God has blessed the faith of a church in “giving away” some of its people and leaders to start a new church. God brings new people and new leaders are raised up.

We value and encourage generosity among the people in our congregations. Being involved in starting a new church is a way for a church to model and practice generosity with its people, leaders, and resources.

Give and it will be given to you; a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over-will be poured into your lap. For with the you measure you use, it will be measured back to you.  Luke 6:38

Comment #5: There’s no one we know who could be a church planter, or is willing to be a part of a new church.

Are you sure?

Joel Nelson would love to talk to you about how your church might be involved in the starting of new churches or about planning a Church Planting Sunday in June.

Jonathan Wicklund, Interim Regional President, Converge North Central

Interim Regional President

Additional articles by Jonathan Wicklund