Looking ahead to 2020...
...we ask God for the courage to trust Him more and work together better, so we will bring glory to His Name and declare His fame to more and more kinds of people! I’d ask you to consider investing prayerfully and financially to three 2019-ending and 2020-launching projects.

Timely Investments
As we approach the end of another year, we wonder how 2019 went by so quickly! It reminds me of the story of the turtle who got mugged by two snails; when asked what happened, the shaken turtle replied, “I don’t know. It all happened so fast.”
As Converge PacWest, we praise God for 2019’s incredible stories of conversion, life transformation, church revitalization, timely provision, barrier-breaking decisions, and kingdom-advancing transitions! And, out of obedience and with faith, we praise God for each life challenge and unwelcome change that took us off-guard and set us back, believing His grace and good plans will not be thwarted, even when disappointment and discomfort test our resilience.
Looking ahead to 2020, we ask God for the courage to trust Him more and work together better, so we will bring glory to His Name and declare His fame to more and more kinds of people! You’ll be hearing further updates in the coming year about a
cycle of engagement that involves connecting, assessing, equipping and mobilizing that leads us to fulfill our individual and collective missions. But for now, I’d ask you to consider investing prayerfully and financially to three 2019-ending
and 2020-launching projects:
Ministry Mentors and Church Consultations. We ended 2019 with our newly appointed ministry mentors, Larry and Karla Adams, leading our Church Board Retreat and making big investments in five churches and pastoral couples. The warm reception they are receiving and significant counsel they are providing will help increase ministry and encourage leaders (including pastors’ spouses) to deepen and widen gospel effectiveness. Church consultation will continue and expand with the addition of the Adamses and with the expansion of our ministry coaching. Goal: $24,000 DONATE NOW TO MINISTRY MENTORS AND CHURCH CONSULTATIONS
Cully Olson Church Evangelism Grants. We want to continue to offer supplementary funding to projects in churches who are creatively sharing Christ’s love and the gospel in their settings. As we contribute and learn from each other’s evangelism experiences, we live out Better Together. Goal: $12,000 DONATE NOW TO CULLY OLSON CHURCH EVANGELISM GRANTS
Pastoral Benevolence/Counseling. Ministry and ministering have always been challenging; we’re in a battle for souls of people and for our communities. Special and timely care given to PacWest pastors, wives and families brings comfort,
Jesus came in the fullness of time (Gal. 4:4), and He died for the sins of humanity at just the right time (Rom. 5:6). This—and so many other examples of Scripture and life (though often in the rearview mirror)—remind us of God’s good timing. Thank you for being great partners with Sandy, me and others in Converge at this time! To give, visit one of the three links above.
David Yetter
Executive Minister

Converge PacWest's church planting strategy strikes the perfect balance of bold faith with wise planning. The evidence of both runs through every component of that strategy, from the assessment process, coaching and funding.
John Markum, Lead pastor, Life Valley Community Church, San Jose, CA