
Global Missions

Global Missions
Status: Raising support
ID: 6000

Help support the global mission efforts of Converge.

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We want all people to know Jesus, but because most missionaries serve in already-evangelized countries, we focus on the least-reached peoples of the world. We equip leaders to create movements that impact individuals, communities and regions through the power of the gospel. With this focus, people who have never heard the name of Jesus will have the chance to hear and accept the good news.

Converge connects the right missionaries to the right opportunity and equips them with the right tools they can take to the field. We provide support-raising strategies, training, prayer and encouragement to effectively share the gospel. Missionaries and their families receive personalized care from our team, including health insurance and a retirement savings plan to keep them healthy on and off the field.

This fund supports the Global Missions effort of Converge Midatlantic.

Global Missions // Our greatest privilege is joining Jesus in what he is building: his church. When we reach across the street and around the world with the gospel—locally and globally—we impact lives for eternity.