Partner with us
When you give to Converge missions, your contribution makes a difference in the life of a missionary and unreached people across the world. Join us in becoming a vital partner in seeing Christ's mission completed. Your generosity gives someone the opportunity to hear about and accept Jesus.
Support a local gospel endeavor that contributes to a larger gospel initiative.
Supporting a global worker is an easy way for you to make a difference in lives around the world from right where you're at now.
From Scattered to Gathered Initiative
The FS2G Initiative - Twin Cities in catalytic partnership with local Converge churches exists to implement a city strategy for multiplying disciples among the least-reached nations next door.
Global Workers
Bruce & Julie A.
North America
Our greatest privilege is joining Jesus in what he is building: his church. When we reach across the street and around the world with the gospel—locally and globally—we impact lives for eternity.
John and Kathie Pederson
Minneapolis/St. Paul
Join John and Kathie: Engage many of the one million immigrants/refugees/internationals in the Twin Cities to introduce them to Jesus and teach them to make disciples who make disciples.