"You saved us years of frustration"

John & Jan Baxter



Sound Missions Advice Saves Frustration


The CEO and other leaders of a North American mission agency, the head bishop of an African church denomination, and I—as the diaspora missions consultant—were in a conference call with the purpose of planting churches among unreached diaspora people groups in North American cities. For the past four years I have had the privilege of co-leading NextMove Diaspora Ministry, participating in research and shared learning with thirty mission agencies. I was able to offer sound advice, and the CEO’s response was, “You have saved us from years of frustration.”

In the coming months, eight other mission agencies plan to use our coaching and consulting services. Our purpose is to save them years of frustration as well. 


Kimchi in Frankfurt

In June, Jan and I will be presenting at two Korean diaspora church conferences, both in Frankfurt, Germany, but different weeks. We launched our first international branch of the NextMove ministry in Seoul, South Korea, recently. Korean mission agencies are using the research and peer-learning formats that we created to help them work more effectively among the global diaspora.
Because of this partnership, we have been included in these conferences for Korean diaspora church leaders in Europe with the goal of releasing the thousands of South Koreans living  in Europe into fruitful missions among the unreached immigrants and European natives.


What About Spain?
Jan and I will meet with our Converge European staff the first week in July to discuss what we learned in Spain concerning economic platforms for missions among migrating peoples, especially Muslim refugees moving into the EU. We are seeking clarity about our role developing these innovative strategies for Converge missionaries.
Will You Pray with Us?
  • Discernment and wisdom as we advise mission agency and church leaders on diaspora missions
  • Clarity about our role in Spain
  • We will be in England and Germany for different diaspora meetings and conferences—with a few days of vacation spaced throughout—for much of June into the first week of July. We have many plane and train connections to make in unfamiliar places with an unfamiliar language. Pray for effective meetings, needed refreshment, and smooth connections.

John & Jan Baxter, Missionary

Helping Converge missionaries and churches with effective engagement with unreached migrating people groups around the world.